Thursday, March 20, 2008

For Love or Money?

Can you find happily-ever-after if you sell out? It's a moral dilemma. So, when I was approached with the Sugar Daddy offer--twice, I really wasn't sure what to do.

I mean, how great would it be to have someone take care of me? No financial concerns. No worries. I could focus on my writing and maybe take a vacation. I could just see myself sitting on a beach in the Caribbean with my laptop, an umbrella drink, and a half-naked man servant fanning me with a palm leaf while back home a maid cleans my obscenely large house. Pinch me.

But somehow, I missed Gold Digging 101. I've always been the kind of girl who, in a room full of rich guys and one poor guy, falls in love with the poor guy every time. Maybe because the poor guy has the same hunger to succeed, to become something more, he believes in having a dream and chasing it like his life depends on it. I can relate to that.

I declined the two Sugar Daddy offers. I just couldn't do it. I wanted it all: love and happiness. If I have that, the money will come.


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